Kafka in Space

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


I became conscious of myself driving in a non descript vehicle between Newcastle and the home of my youth in East Maitland and it was announced by radio that the world would end in a few hours. I drove to East Maitland and by the time I had arrived I found myself to be the only person left. Everyone else had disappeared. I searched extensively for any signs of life but there was none, it seemed I was the last person left on the earth.

I began to think that somehow I had been the only survivor of the end of the world as predicted

Then I found some object that suggested that Dave (from over the road) was about somewhere nearby, the object was black.

Magically Dave (from over the road) appeared in the driveway of the house I grew up in, he was driving a hybrid vehicle that was towing some kind of machine that was the source of it's power he explained to me.

I searched through the house I grew up in and after some searching found a bed with two youths in it, one wearing glasses. I felt sure they were dead but with some trepidation (because I have learned over time to always be very cautious within these nightmares) I reached out and pushed the one with glasses who woke up immediately and looked not at me but outward through a window.

I walked to the window and looked out to see many youths running around in the street outside the house where I grew up, but became aware that there were no older people, only these youths. They were running, shouting and generally playing about in a sinister manner but it didn't seem overtly threatening.

I questioned to Dave (from over the road) why are we here, we are so much older, he did not know what was happening.

Dave and I then were in my radio room and we were trying to find radio stations to see if the effect was general or localised. There were only a very few stations to be found, one powerful broadcast station had been taken over by another man broadcasting from a distant place calling out continuously for anyone to reply to him as he too had found himself alone in his area and had could find no signs of life. Another station found transmitting from another area was playing normal broadcasts, as if totally oblivious to any changes. I wondered what was powering my radio, the lights the water for all of us.

I began to consider the possibility that some disaster had taken place as predicted but the nature of it had resulted in some kind of dimensional fragmentation and none of us were dead as such, just some of us were actually shifted into our own different dimension or version of the same reality, and that everything was still running for those of us in remote realities by virtue that somewhere in the fragmentation there was still a fully operational reality that effectively nothing had happened to in the end of the world disaster as predicted in part one, it was seemingly unaffected other than the fact that some of us just suddenly disappeared from it.

Then I woke up.

With luck I be able to get the final parts to reassemble my 1977 Mini Cooper engine today, after last nights effort at Adams Machine Shop, with Adam and I constructing a tool to remove and replace camshaft bearings.

that is all.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Woke up this morning, knew I was fully awake and not just dreaming I was awake when The Fear hit.
Wandered aimlessly around my home all day worrying about how I could get my 1977 Mini Cooper going so I could at least drive away from this house that is my prison for a day.
With difficulty fell into an uneasy sleep where daemons visit by way of unearthly dreams.